Kidsight Eye Screening
Lions clubs worldwide are all about vision issues; nobody has done more.
The Lions Club of Taos is no different, we are true to this core mission.
KidSight eye screening is our flagship service project. Nearly 20 years ago, our club members voluntarily donated the money necessary to purchase the latest technology in eye screening equipment. Due in large part to our success in Taos, the State of New Mexico now makes funds available to multiple Lions Clubs (and other partners) for updated vision testing equipment, which allows us to instantly screen the vision of almost all Taos County school children of all ages to identify where there may be problems developing. From there, we recommend the student seek the help of a local eye care professional. Our club can even pay for professional eye exams and help purchase glasses for uninsured students. When necessary, we can also help your child acquire a spare pair of glasses to be left at the school. Currently, we are developing a new program to help colorblind students, we hope to begin offering this service next year.
We believe good vision is an essential component of learning.Our goal is to identify vision problems early, correct them, and give the student the best opportunity to learn to their fullest potential. The 2022 year was a banner year for screening. We screened 2,600 students at 23 schools! 678 students were referred to eye professionals. 21 volunteers traveled 2,660 miles to test all these students! We will begin screening again in September 2023.

Lions got creative and found a way to safely continue the eye screenings.
Thanks to the resourceful leadership of Mary Pencin, and the dedicated work of Seymour Wheelock, our club acquired a three compartment examination booth which keeps the students and the Lions volunteers safely apart during the vision screening process. Thank you Mary and Seymour!

Outdoor Screenings and Social Distancing were the keys.
Department of Health protocols were followed right from the start. Screenings were held outdoors, only one student was registered at a time, and 6' separation was adhered to during the entire process. This required extra work on the part of our volunteers, but we were happy to do it.

Painless eye screenings
This may look like a scary exam, but it is exactly the opposite. Totally painless eye screenings were conducted through the clear barrier which kept student and volunteer completely safe. As a club we are very proud we were able to continue our important work during these trying times.
Would you like to help?
Would you be willing to help test the vision of our school-age children in Taos County?
Each September-October, the Lions Club of Taos organizes KIDSIGHT.
How it works:
Volunteer Teams visit 18 schools in our county. The teams test the eyes of 2,600 children with a special camera that in a few seconds, can identify vision problems such as near- and far-sightedness and astigmatism. If a problem is found, the School Nurse notifies the parents. AND THEN, a more complete exam and a Rx for eyeglasses can be arranged. If a child needs glasses, but has no insurance and can’t afford the exam or glasses, costs will be paid by the State of New Mexico or the Lions Club.
This is a great program in our Community!
Most school visits can be completed in one morning.
Would you help?
Come see what your time can do.
Come make a difference for our children.
Please contact us at:
We’ll get you started!